Looking to get into the thrilling world of foiling? Then you need to make sure you have the right setup. But with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That's why we've created this comprehensive guide on how to buy the right foiling setup. From selecting the right foil to choosing the perfect foil board, we've got you covered. Here's how to choose the right hydrofoil setup in 6 easy steps.

  • Knowing the parts of a hydrofoil setup
  • Understanding your riding style
  • Your riding experience and weight
  • Choosing the right wing or kite
  • Choosing the right foiling board
  • Choosing the right foil

Hydrofoiling has gained immense popularity in the world of water sports, providing a thrilling and unique way to glide above the water's surface. Whether you're into wing foiling, dock starting, prone surfing, wake foiling, or any other type of foiling, selecting the right hydrofoil setup is crucial for an optimal riding experience. With numerous options available in the market, it's important to consider various factors such as riding style, wing foiling, dock start, prone surfing, wake foiling, rider's level of experience, and weight. In this blog, we'll explore the key features to look out for when buying a hydrofoil setup to ensure you make the best choice for your needs.

Over the years, I've gone from a beginner foiler to an advanced foiler. We all start somewhere and choosing the right hydrofoil setup is a crucial step to starting out. Initially, I struggled to maintain my balance and control, but with practice and determination, I improved my skills. Now, I'm able to effortlessly perform dock starts, beach starts, and glide through the water with ease. Foiling has truly become a passion of mine and I can't wait to see where it takes me next. 

Armoured Labs Kanda James

Let’s go!



  1. Knowing the parts of a hydrofoil setup
  2. Understanding your riding style
  3. Your riding experience and weight
  4. Choosing the right wing or kite
  5. Choosing the right foiling board
  6. Choosing the right foil
  7. FAQs



Step #1: Knowing the parts of a hydrofoil setup

When it comes to foiling, understanding the different parts of your setup is crucial for a successful ride. The foil itself is composed of a front wing, rear wing, and mast. The front wing, also known as the main wing, provides lift and stability, while the rear wing acts as a stabilizer. The mast connects the foil to the board and determines the ride height. Additionally, the board itself plays a significant role in foiling, as it should be designed to provide optimal balance and control. Other important components include foot straps, which keep you securely attached to the board, and the foil cover, which protects the delicate wings from damage. By mastering each element of your foiling setup, you can enjoy the thrill of gliding effortlessly above the water.

parts of a hydrofoil setup



Step #2: Understanding your riding style

The first step in choosing the right hydrofoil setup is to determine your riding style. Different styles of foiling require specific foil designs to optimize performance. For example, if you're into wing foiling, you'll need a hydrofoil setup with a larger wing for increased lift and stability. On the other hand, prone surfing may require a smaller wing for maneuverability and control. Consider your preferred riding style and choose a hydrofoil setup that complements it.

Wing foiling

If you're specifically interested in wing foiling, there are additional factors to consider. Wing foiling involves using a handheld wing to propel yourself on the water while riding the hydrofoil. The size and shape of the wing, as well as the mast length, are crucial considerations. A larger wing provides more lift, making it easier to get up on the foil, while a smaller wing allows for faster speeds and more advanced manoeuvres. The mast length also affects stability and control, with longer masts offering more stability but may be challenging for beginners. Consider the wing size and mast length that suits your wing foiling goals.

Wing Foiling

Dock start

Dock starting is a popular method for getting up on the foil, and it requires a specific type of hydrofoil setup. Dock starts involve starting from a stationary position on a dock or other stable platform. For this, a hydrofoil setup with a shorter mast length and a larger, more stable wing is recommended to provide easier lift-off and stability while getting started. Look for hydrofoil setups that are designed for dock starts if this is your preferred method of getting on the foil. Ideally, you’ll see that the most efficient setups are low-speed, high-lift, and low-drag setups. Some brands like Cloud9, Axis Foils, Uni, Foil, and Slingshot have specialty dock start setups.

Dock Start

Prone Surfing 

Prone surfing with a hydrofoil requires a different setup compared to other foiling styles. Prone surfers typically require smaller wings for increased maneuverability and control while riding waves. Additionally, a shorter mast length is preferred for prone surfing to allow for quick and agile turns on the wave face. Look for hydrofoil setups that cater to prone surfers with smaller wings and shorter mast lengths to optimize your surfing experience.

Prone Surfing

Wake Foiling

Wake foiling, which involves riding the hydrofoil behind a boat or cable system, has its own unique requirements. Wake foiling typically requires a larger wing mid aspect wing for increased lift, stability, and control at slower speeds. Additionally, the mast length should be longer to allow for proper clearance from the boat or cable wake. Consider a hydrofoil setup that is specifically designed for wake foiling, with a larger wing and longer mast length, to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience behind the boat. It is important to note that very large wings are not meant for jumping as the force upon entry can damage components.

Wake Foiling



Step #3: Your riding experience and weight

Your level of experience and weight play a significant role in determining the right hydrofoil setup for you. Beginners may benefit from larger wings and longer masts for added stability, while more experienced riders may prefer smaller wings and shorter masts for increased maneuverability and speed. Your weight is also a crucial consideration, as it affects the lift and stability of the hydrofoil. 

Tip: When buying a foil setup and to save money when upgrading look for a brand that has additional wings and stabs which will allow you to change without having to buy a new setup.



Step #4: Choosing the right wing or kite

When it comes to foiling, choosing the right wing or kite is crucial for a successful and enjoyable experience. The first step is to consider your skill level and the conditions you will be foiling in. Smaller wings are better for beginners and lighter wind conditions, while larger wings provide more lift and stability in stronger winds. It's also important to match the wing or kite to your foil board and mast size. Research different brands and models, and consider factors such as durability, maneuverability, and speed. Don't be afraid to ask for recommendations from experienced foilers or seek out demo opportunities to try before you buy. With the right wing or kite, you'll be soaring above the water in no time.

choosing the right foil wing



Step #5: Choosing the right foiling board

When choosing the right board for your foiling setup, there are a few key factors to consider. First and foremost, you'll want to make sure that the board you choose is compatible with the hydrofoil you have or plan to purchase. Additionally, you'll want to consider the size and shape of the board, as well as its volume and weight, to ensure that it provides the stability and maneuverability you need for a successful foiling experience. Consider the material and construction of the board, as well as any additional features or accessories that may be necessary for your specific setup – including foot placement with strap configurations. Take the time to carefully evaluate your options and choose the board that best meets your needs.



Step #6: Choosing the right foil 

Choosing the right foil for your hydrofoil setup is crucial to your performance and safety. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a foil:

  1. Experience level: Beginners should opt for larger foils with more lift, while experienced riders can go for smaller, more maneuverable foils.
  2. Water conditions: The size and shape of the foil should match the water conditions you'll be riding in. Choppy waters require bigger foils, while calm waters can handle smaller ones.
  3. Board compatibility: The foil must fit your board properly. Consider the board's width, volume, and fin placement when choosing a foil.
  4. Foil material: Foils can be made of aluminum, carbon fiber, or other materials. Carbon fiber foils are more expensive but are lighter and more responsive.
  5. Foil design: The shape and angle of the foil can impact your ride. Choose a foil design that matches your riding style and goals.



FAQs: How to choose the right hydrofoil setup

Q. Will my height and weight affect what hydrofoil gear I should choose?

A. When it comes to foiling, your height and weight could play a role in determining the best gear to buy. Generally, heavier riders may benefit from larger wings or boards to provide enough lift, while lighter riders may prefer smaller setups for more control. Similarly, taller riders may find longer masts and fuselages more comfortable, while shorter riders may prefer shorter setups. However, keep in mind that personal preference and skill level also play a significant role in determining the ideal foiling setup.

Q. How do the materials used in the construction of a hydrofoil setup affect my choice?

A. When it comes to choosing the right gear for foiling, the materials used in construction can make all the difference. The choice of materials affects the weight, stiffness, and durability of the hydrofoil setup. For instance, carbon fiber is a popular choice for its lightweight and stiff properties, which can result in faster speeds and improved manoeuvrability. On the other hand, aluminium is a more affordable option that still provides sufficient stiffness and durability for recreational foiling. Ultimately, the choice of materials depends on your skill level, budget, and the type of foiling you want to do. Whatever your choice, it's important to consider the materials used in construction when selecting your hydrofoil gear.

Q. Should I consider foiling lessons?

A. This all depends on your level of experience. If you’re a beginner, consider getting some foiling lessons. Learning from a professional will not only ensure your safety but also help you master the technique faster. With the right instruction, you'll be gliding over the water in no time, experiencing a thrilling sensation like no other. 

Q. Should I wear protection when foiling?

A. If you're planning to hit the water and try your hand at foiling, it's important to consider the potential risks involved. While some may argue that wearing protective gear is unnecessary, it's always better to err on the side of caution. Wearing a helmet and impact vest can help reduce the risk of injury in case of a fall or collision. So, if you want to enjoy the thrill of foiling safely, make sure to suit up with the proper protective gear.


Final Thoughts

Choosing a hydrofoil setup should be an easy process. With the right setup, anyone can experience the thrill of gliding effortlessly above the water's surface. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider, finding the perfect hydrofoil setup can make all the difference in your foiling experience. So why not make the most of your time on the water and start foiling with ease today?

If you’re ready to elevate your foiling game to the next level? Just like how surfers wax their boards for that extra grip, applying a high-quality ceramic coating to your hydrofoil, board, EVA pad, and kite is a game-changer! With a ceramic coating from Armoured Labs Surf Guard, you'll experience unmatched hydrodynamics, effortlessly gliding through the water with reduced drag, increased speed, and improved maneuverability. Say goodbye to water spots, oxidation, sand burn from beach starts and wear and tear, as the ceramic coating provides a protective shield against the elements, UV rays, and saltwater corrosion. It's like giving your gear a suit of armour, ensuring it stays in peak performance condition for longer sessions, and helping you ride with unmatched style and performance. Level up your foiling experience with the ultimate protection of a ceramic coating, and experience flying above the water like a pro!

Armoured Labs Surf Guard on Hydrofoils


Written by Michael Potts

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